Voki in the Classroom

Voki is a free web 2.0 tool that allows you to create speaking avatars that can be published to a website, blog, social network, or email.

Vokis have been used in foreign language classes, English & reading classes, and exceptional education classes.  It encourages participation in a non-threatening way- plus it's really fun!

 You can record your voice by phone or computer microphone.  If you are really in a hurry you can just type your message and select from a variety of female or male voices.

...Trying to figure out a way to use Voki on Blackboard for announcements...more info to come.

If you are interested in using Voki and would like a tutorial, click here for a handout.

Already use Voki in your classroom?   Please share with us how you use it in your classroom.

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