Lesson Ideas

Students Quack Their Way to a Better Vocabulary

Fellow Educators, 

I discovered the Quack!® SAT Vocabulary Success Series, or Quack!® as my students call it, over four years ago and since then I have been a huge fan.  Students' vocabulary and writing test scores have improved by Quacking their way to a better vocabulary.  Students learn over 200+ SAT words through the innovative Quack!® program. Words and their definitions are brought to life through movie clips and sound bites produced by Quack! Media® & Teacher's Discovery® DVDs.  Most learners retain information by visual and auditory senses.  Quack!® triggers both learning styles to capture students' interest.

I am not employed by Quack! Media® or Teacher's Discovery® and I do not receive any compensation for promoting their product, yet I find myself singing their praises at inservices and workshops every chance I get.  When educators find something that works, they should pass it on.  Quack!® SAT Vocabulary Success is a wonderful vocabulary program that really works! Students love it and vocabulary scores have increased.  Quack!® is the official vocabulary program used by English II/Grade 10 teachers at WSHS.  

Visit my vocabulary site http://www.dixonary.webs.com for handouts, vocabulary slide shows, and downloadable iPod flash cards.  Handouts were approved by the publishers of Quack!® and may reproduced, without changes, for classroom use.

Visit the Quack Media®/Teacher's Discovery® website for purchasing information or call (1-800-583-6454).

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