Lit Circles and Podcasting

Want to teach a lesson and have students showcase what they have learned using their creative talents instead of grading a scantron test?  No matter what subject you teach, podcasting can make a lesson more fun.  And teachers know that when students are having fun- they are learning!  Take for instance student Lit Circles.  Having Lit Circle groups create a podcast for a final group project can be fun and informative!  Podcasting projects can be applied in most any subject taught:  Language Arts, Foreign Language, History, Speech and Drama, Science, etc.

Here is an example of how curriculum objectives and technology objectives can merge together into one FUN lesson.

Podcasting 101 Student Handout adapted for most disciplines

Lit Circle Role- Director

Lit Circle Role- Connector

Lit Circle Role-Illuminator 

Lit Circle Role-Illustrator 

Lit Circle Role-Summarizer 

Lit Circle Role-Word Watcher 

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